The Business Master (3rd Edition)
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961 lines
|-| Grid Form |-|
A program to print
Customized Graph Paper
on a Laser Printer
Written by
Martin L. Waldman
Version 1.0
Copyright 1991
All rights reserved
Distributed by
Software Co-op
5437 Honey Manor Drive
Indianapolis IN 46241
PART 1. OVERVIEW ........................... 1
1.1 Starting GRIDFORM ................ 2
1.2 Select a Template ................ 2
1.3 The Main Menu .................... 3
PART 2. MODIFY TEMPLATE MENU ............... 4
2.1 Template Name .................... 4
2.2 Grid Units ....................... 4
2.3 Origin ........................... 4
2.4 Print Titles ..................... 4
2.5 Auto Eject ....................... 4
3.1 Total Units ...................... 5
3.2 Increment Type ................... 5
3.2.1 Linear ...................... 5
3.2.2 Common Log .................. 5
3.2.3 Natural Log ................. 6
3.3 Line Interval .................... 6
3.4 Draw Index ....................... 6
3.5 Highlighting ..................... 6
PART 4. OUTPUT CONTROL ..................... 7
4.1 Printer .......................... 7
4.2 File ............................. 7
4.3 Macro............................. 7
PART 5. A PRACTICAL EXERCISE ............... 8
PART 6. LICENSE INFORMATION ............... 12
GridForm Version 1.0 1
GridForm is a program that prints custom ruled forms on an HP LaserJet
compatible laser printer -- you control the outer limits, the
horizontal, the vertical, and what is printed in four dimensions.
GridForm will run on any computer system that operates using DOS 2.x
or higher, and has 256k of memory and a color monitor. The program is
small (under 12k),fast (written in 8086/8088 assembly language), and
easy to use. Parameters controlling both dimensions are adjusted with
just a few keystrokes.
All of the information for printing a form is entered from the
keyboard and stored in a "Template". You may construct up to 240
different templates -- each describing a different format.
The templates are stored in a data file (GRIDFORM.TPL) which is
created the first time the program is run on the current directory. A
new or modified file is automatically written to disk (requires up to
10k of disk space).
GridForm uses 80x25 text displays for template selection, menus, and
data entry functions. The top line shows the system name and version
number and the current time and date. Line two shows the number and
name of the active Template. The middle part of the screen displays
the current values on file for the active template. The bottom two
lines, the "Dialog Box", carry the instructions for pressing a key or
entering the other information, accept input from the keyboard, and
display error messages.
The same display is used for all menus. The highlighting on the
display and the instructions in the dialog box change according to the
specific function menu.
In this manual a letter inside angle brackets is used to indicate a
single key press. The entry prompts use the following terminology.
"Press" means you need press only a single key, either a letter or a
number. The key list refers to the highlighted characters in the
window display. The Shift Key should not be held down.
If you press a key not listed in the instruction, an error message
will be displayed and you will be taken back to the prompt.
"Return" refers to a key that may be labeled RET, ENTER, or with the
symbol <--' on your keyboard.
"Enter" means you are expected to either type a number or a new
character type entry. Use the backspace key to make corrections. Press
the Return key when you have completed your entry.
When entering, pressing Return alone causes no change to be made.
Entering a 0 (zero) causes that value to be stored where appropriate.
2 GridForm Version 1.0
The GridForm distribution diskette contains this manual and the
program which can be run directly on diskette or copied to a hard
disk. GridForm reads and writes the data file on the current default
drive and directory -- a new file will be created if needed. The
program itself may be resident on any directory as long as DOS can
find it or you include the pathname in the command line.
To start GridForm you must log on to the drive and directory where the
GridForm data file is to be stored and, at the DOS prompt, enter the
command GRIDFORM
GridForm "beeps" when keyboard input is required. You may run the
program in a "Quiet" mode (no beeps) by entering GRIDFORM /Q
To just send a formfeed (0CH) to the printer enter GRIDFORM /F
This function will be invoked automatically when you start GridForm
and may also be accessed by pressing <S> at the Main Menu display.
The first display prompts you to select a template, for example:
/ \
GridForm 15:25:59 9/07/91
Template 1/ 1
Template List
1. Linear Inch Grid
End of Template list --
enter a + sign or a number or Return
Note: The initial file contains only one template. PART 5. contains a
series of exercises that will help you add others.
A numbered list of the template names in the file is displayed. If the
list is too long to fit on one display, you will be prompted to enter
a question mark to see succeeding pages. Type the number of the
template you want to work with, then press Return. If you press Return
without typing a number, the current Template remains active.
To create a new template, enter a "+" sign. If there is room (maximum
240), the current template will be copied to the next available
template number and the template name will have the first six
characters replaced with "COPY- ".
GridForm Version 1.0 3
The selected, or newly created, template becomes the active template
The template data and Main Menu is then displayed. It looks like this:
/ \
GridForm 15:26:09 9/07/91
Template 1/ 1
Template name Linear Inch Grid
Grid units Inches
Origin at the Bottom
Print titles Yes
Auto eject Yes
Width Parameters Length Parameters
Total units 8 Total units 10
Increment type Linear Increment type Linear
Line interval .100 Line interval .100
= 80 cols = 100 rows
Draw Index each 0 Draw Index each 0
Highlighting None Highlighting None
Press Modify, Output, Eject, Copy, Select Template, List, or eXit
Pressing a letter key will invoke the named function. When you exit
from a function you will be returned to the Main Menu.
Pressing <M>odify takes you to the menus and functions that set the
parameters used to print a GridForm -- see PART 2. & 3. ,below.
When you press <O>utput you will be taken through the output control
sequences listed in PART 4., below.
PART 5. contains a series of exercises to acquaint you with GridForm.
and to assist you in creating other templates.
You may press <E>ject to send a Form Feed character (0CH) to the
printer -- see also para 2.5 AUTO EJECT.
Pressing <C>opy is the same as entering a plus sign on the SELECT
display. It will create a new template which becomes the active one.
Press <L>ist to print a list of the parameters specified in each of
the templates on file.
If you press the e<X>it key at the Main Menu display, the following
message will appear: " Exit from GridForm (Y/N) ? ". Press <Y> and we
will rewrite the data file if needed and return control of your screen
to DOS. Pressing any other key will return you to the Main Menu.
4 GridForm Version 1.0
Three menus are used to enter the parameters describing the active
template. When you press <M> at the Main Menu you are taken to the
Modify Template Menu. Pressing <W> or <L> at this menu takes you to
the Width or Length Parameter Menu --- see PART 3. below
This menu is used to enter or change the overall template parameters
that control how this GridForm is printed. The items that can be
changed on this menu are highlighted and you will be prompted to press
a key, or Escape. The action invoked by each key is as follows.
The Template name is used in the template selection display and is
printed on the template list and, optionally, at the top of each
printed GridForm. When you press <T> at the Modify Template menu, you
will be prompted to enter a new Template name. Pressing the Return key
takes you back to the menu without changing the current entry.
This parameter controls the actual unit size used in printing a
GridForm. Press <G> and you will be prompted to press either
<C>entimeters or <I>nches.
The "Origin" is the place where the printing of the grid and index
lines start. All the vertical lines printed using the Width Parameters
start at the left side of the printed grid. You may specify where the
horizontal lines using the Length Parameters start by pressing <O>.
You will be prompted to choose either <T>op or <B>ottom.
Press <P> and then <Y>es or <N>o to set whether titles should be
printed on the GridForm. If <Y>es, the number and name of the GridForm
and the date and time are printed at the top. Size, grid unit, and the
type and size of the line interval for each axis is printed at the
bottom. The Origin is marked by an asterisk (*).
Press <A> and then <Y>es or <N>o to set whether or not a form feed
character (0CH) should be automatically sent to the printer after the
GridForm is printed. You may also send a form feed by pressing <E> on
the Main Menu.
GridForm Version 1.0 5
Pressing <W> or <L> at the Template Menu takes you to the Width (left
to right) or Length (top to bottom) Parameter Menu where you may set
the parameters that govern how the lines for each will be printed.
Pressing <T> lets you set the size of the grid in terms of the Grid
Units parameter set above. The minimum size for both dimensions is two
units. The maximum sizes depends on the Grid Units selected, to wit,
Centimeters = 20 wide x 25 long , Inches = 8 Wide x 10 Long.
The GridForm will be printed centered on the page using these outer
When the individual grid lines and index lines are printed the
physical distance on the paper is controlled by the grid units, the
line interval value (see paragraph 3.3), and one of the three
available increment types.
Press <I>, then choose <L>inear, <C>ommon log, or <N>atural log.
3.2.1 LINEAR
The distance of each grid line from the origin is a simple multiple of
the line interval -- see para 3.3. The origin may take on any integer
The origin has a specified value of one (1). The distance of each grid
line from the origin is equal to the common log (base 10) of each of
the successive .100 line intervals. Index lines are printed at the
common log of the integer unit intervals.
NOTE: When the grid unit is specified as centimeters, the line
intervals are adjusted to print visibly discreet lines as follows:
Integer units Line Interval
1 - 4 .100
4 - 8 .200
8 - 12 .250
12 - 25 .500
25 - 40 index only
The maximum number of integer units is printed on the first physical
16 centimeters of the form -- further lines become indistinguishable.
6 GridForm Version 1.0
The origin has a specified value of one (1). The distance of each grid
line from the origin is equal to the natural log (base e) of each of
the successive .100 line intervals. Index lines are printed at the
natural log of the integer unit intervals.
When the Linear Increment type is in effect, individual grid lines are
drawn at each successive fraction of a grid unit as specified by this
parameter. Some examples are:
Fraction Parts/unit Fraction Parts/unit
.100 10 .250 4
.083 12 .500 2
.060 16.66 .999 1
The minimum interval for Inches is .050, for Centimeters .100
Press <L> and then enter a three digit decimal fraction -- do NOT
enter the decimal point, it is supplied by the program. Entering a
zero suppresses the printing of grid lines for that dimension. The
number of columns or rows to be printed will be displayed.
When either of the logarithmic increment types is selected, index
lines indicating the integer units are automatically drawn.
If you have chosen a linear increment type, you may elect to draw
index lines at each of a specified number of columns or rows, or at
integer units (even if the line interval is zero).
Press <D> and then enter <U>nit or a number -- entering a zero causes
no index lines to be drawn. The maximum is one-half the total columns
or rows.
If you have chosen a linear increment type, you may elect to highlight
specific areas on the printed GridForm. Press <H> and then the letter
indicating the type of highlighting you desire.
<U>nit bars are shading at alternating integer unit intervals whether
or not index lines are to be drawn.
Selecting <C>heckerboard will shade alternate unit squares in both
dimensions of the GridForm. If you select Checkerboard on one, you
should set <N>one on the other to avoid running out of printer memory.
GridForm Version 1.0 7
When you press <O>utput at the Main Menu you will be prompted to:
Press <P>rinter, <F>ile, or <M>acro
To send the template defined data directly to the printer, press <P>.
If the Auto eject parameter is "On", you will be prompted for the
number of copies you wish to print. Enter a number up to 99 or press
return for only one copy (the third dimension !).
If the Auto eject parameter is "Off", the data will be sent to the
printer but the page will not be printed at this time.
4.2 FILE
The template defined data may be sent to a disk file for printing at
another time (the fourth dimension !). When you press <F> a file will
be created on the current drive and directory with the name
"GRIDFILE.nnn" where "nnn" equals the template number plus 100.
Previously created files from the same template are overwritten.
To print the file, at the DOS prompt enter "COPY GRIDFILE.nnn PRN"
(include the drive and pathname if needed).
The HP LaserJet Plus and subsequent models (and compatibles) have the
capability to store "Macros" -- a string of print controls and data --
and to control when they are to be printed.
The template defined data may be sent to a disk file formatted for
downloading as a macro. When you press <M> a file will be created on
the current drive and directory with the name "GRIDMCRO.mmm" where
"mmm" equals the template number plus 100. Previously created files
from the same template are overwritten.
The file includes the laser control code sequences that set the macro
ID as "mmm" (ESC &f###Y), tell the printer to start loading the
template data (ESC &f0X), the data itself, when the data ends
(ESC &f1X), and to make the macro a permanent one (ESC &f10X) -- not
removed by a soft reset. NOTE: Macro files will NOT include a
formfeed (0CH) regardless of the auto eject parameter.
To download the macro enter "COPY GRIDMCRO.mmm PRN". To execute the
macro, you must send additional command sequences to the printer. An
example of how to do this is described in the PART 5. exercise that
uses the "Text Screen Overlay" template that you will create.
8 GridForm Version 1.0
In this part we will explore various features of GridForm starting
with the new file that is created by the program. Copy the program to
a new diskette copy or to a hard disk subdirectory, log on to that
drive\subdirectory and enter GRIDFORM
At the first display, press Return to start with Template number 1.
The next display you will see is the data describing the template-- an
8x10 inch grid with 10 parts per unit and no indexing. The dialog box
contains the Main Menu. Press <O> and then <P> to print a copy of this
The size of template number 1 is set at the maximum size allowed for
inch units. Press <M> to bring up the Modify Template menu and then
<W> for the Width Parameter menu. Note that the five items that can be
changed are now highlighted.
Press <T>, and enter a new value for the Total Units. Return to the
Main Menu and print the template. You will see that the width of the
grid has been changed but all the other parameters remain in effect.
Take a few minutes to experiment with changing the Total Units on both
the width and length parameter menus and observe the results. When you
are finished, restore the Total Units to 8 wide X 10 long.
Distances on a plain grid can be difficult to evaluate without some
assistance. Let's add index lines to this template.
Go to the Width Parameter menu and press <D>. A statement of the
available indexing modes will appear in the dialog box. Enter a "U"
and press Return. The new index mode will be indicated on the display.
Press Escape to go back to the Modify Template menu. Press <L> to
select the Length Parameter menu and make the same change as you did
on the Width Draw Index parameter.
Return back to the Main Menu and print the template. Note that index
lines have been added at integer unit intervals making distances much
easier to measure.
You may choose to print index lines at other than unit intervals.
Choose the Width parameter menu, press <D> and enter "6" as the number
of columns to be indexed. Print the template. Note that index lines
are printed every 6 columns starting at the left side of the grid.
Now make the same change on the Length Parameter menu and the print
the template. The index lines are printed every 6 lines starting at
the Origin -- the bottom of the grid (an "*" is printed there).
Go to the <M>odify Template menu and change the origin to the top
(press <O> then <T>). Print the template and you will see that the
index lines now start at the top of the grid.
GridForm Version 1.0 9
Another way to mark integer unit distances is to highlight alternate
ones. Go to the Width Parameter menu, press <H> and choose <U>nit
bars. Remove the index lines by pressing <D> and then enter a zero.
Reset the Length Draw index parameter to "Unit".
Return to the Main Menu and print the template. The alternate width
unit distances are now highlighted with a 20% gray scale pattern.
Go back to the Width parameter menu and change the highlighting to
<C>heckerboard. Print the template to see the results.
At this point you may wish to repeat your experiments with resetting
the horizontal and vertical sizes. When you are finished, reset the
sizes to the maximum, the index lines to "Unit", and the highlighting
to "None" on both dimensions.
Next we will create a new template that will be used in further
exercises. Return to the Main Menu and press <C>opy. The header now
shows that a new template has been added to the file -- Template 2/ 2
-- and is the current active template
Press <M>odify to go to the Modify Template menu and then change the
<T>emplate Name to "Text Screen Overlay" (don't type the quotes) and
set the <P>rint titles to "No".
So far we have used intervals of .100 (1/10 inch) on both dimensions.
Press <L> to go to the Length Parameter menu and there press <L> to
change the line interval.
Set the length line interval to 6 rows/inch by entering "166" (= 1/6).
Note that the number of rows is now 60. Return to the main Menu and
print the template.
You now have a grid that marks off how your printer will print a page
at 10 characters per inch and 6 lines per inch that can be used to
plan a printed page.
As it's name implies, this grid can be used to determine where
characters fall on a Text Screen. Assuming that your printer's default
font is 10 cpi printed at 6 lpi, try this:
Press Shift+PrtSc to send a copy of any screen to the printer. Since
this function does not usually eject a page from the printer, you can
print two screens at 6 lines/inch. If you reset the printer to 8
lines/inch and the Length Line interval to .125, you can get three.
If you have exited from GridForm to copy the screen(s), run GRIDFORM
again and select this overlay template. Now overlay the grid onto the
screen(s) printout by pressing <P> to print the overlay template.
If you get two templates instead of one, go to the Modify Template
Menu and turn off the Auto Eject parameter -- press <A> and then <N>o.
Return to the Main menu and print the template. Now press Shift+PrtSc
and, if necessary, press <E>ject.
10 GridForm Version 1.0
This template can also be used to evaluate and plan the layout of the
printed pages in any document. Let's setup this GridForm as a macro
and see how that works.
Press <O>utput and then <M>acro. A file named GRIDMCRO.102 will be
created -- you'll see the message. Now e<X>it from GridForm.
Next you must download the macro and activate it.
The distribution disk contains two files to be used in this exercise,
"SMALLDOC.PRN" and "GOVERLAY.BAT" -- copy them to the current
SMALLDOC.PRN is an ASCII file that is three pages long, each ending in
a formfeed (0CH). It contains the cover, table of contents and page 1
of this manual. We will use it to illustrate how to control a macro so
that each page will be overlaid with GridForm # 2.
Note: The LAST character in the file must be a formfeed (0CH).
"GOVERLAY.BAT" contains the instructions to download the macro, turn
it on as an overlay that will print on every page, print the file, and
then remove the macro from the printer memory.
The batch file is reproduced here with explanatory comments added in
curly brackets."[Esc]" is the abbreviation for the character 1BH.
Each line starts in column one.
copy gridmcro.102 prn {1. Downloads the macro, ID = 102}
echo [Esc]&f102y4X > prn {2. Activates Macro 102 as an overlay}
copy smalldoc.prn prn {3. Prints the file}
echo [Esc]&f102y8X > prn {4. Remove the current overlay}
To run the test, at the DOS command enter "GOVERLAY" -- the commands
will be echoed to the screen as they are executed.
If you wish to leave the overlay in memory and activated, remove line
4. from the batch file -- everything you subsequently print will be
overlaid until you either send line 4. to the printer or do a hard
reset (front panel) -- see your printer manual for other ways to
control the existence and execution of macros.
You can also leave the overlay in memory but NOT activated by changing
line 4. to read: "echo [Esc]&f102y5X > prn". To turn the overlay back on
send the command in line 2. to the printer.
NOTE: Once you have created and downloaded the macro(s), you can
execute your own batch files or embed the control sequences in your
data files with your word processor -- see your user manuals for
further details.
When you are finished with this part of the exercise, make sure the
macro(s) are removed from the printer memory. Rerun GridForm for the
next practical exercise.
GridForm Version 1.0 11
The same technique can be used to plan the layout of printed pages
using different fonts and line spacing. <L>ist was done this way.
Press <S>elect and then enter a "+" sign to create a new template (or
just press <C>opy). <M>odify the new <T>emplate name to "Grid List
Overlay" and set the <P>rint Titles to "No". Since the <L>ist function
ejects each page it prints, you must set Auto eject to "No".
The report is printed in the center 7 inches of the page at 16.66
characters/inch and 8 lines/inch, therefore the following values are
set to match the printout:
Width Parameters Length Parameters
Total units 7 Total units 10
Increment type Linear Increment type Linear
Line interval .060 Line interval .125
= 117 cols = 80 rows
Draw Index each 10 Draw Index each Unit
Highlighting None Highlighting None
Make the required changes on the Width and Length Parameter menus and
return to the Main Menu.
First, press <L>ist to see how the GridForm Template List looks. Then
<P>rint the overlay and press <L>ist again. The first page of the
printout is now overlaid with the grid specified in this template.
You can create overlays for any printed page using this technique.
Simply match the width and length parameters to the font size and line
spacing and set both the title and auto eject parameters to "No".
<P>rint the GridForm, exit GridForm, and then print your document.
Try this with your spreadsheet printouts. Create a new template and
give it a name. Set the Origin to the "Top", Print titles and Auto
eject to "No", both Total Units to maximum size, and the Width Line
interval to zero.
Set the Length Line interval to match the spreadsheet line spacing and
the Length Draw parameter to "Unit" or some appropriate number. Print
the GridForm and then print the spreadsheet. The horizontal grid lines
and index lines should make it easier to read.
Multiple GridForms can be overlaid on each other by setting the Title
and Auto eject to "No" on each one, except maybe the last to be
printed. Select and print each grid. When you are finished press
<E>ject, if necessary, on the Main Menu.
The designs that can be created with this overlay technique are
limited only by your imagination and how much printer memory you have.
Experimenting with other Increment types and Centimeter Grid units is
left as an exercise for the user. Select Template 1 and then copy it
to each new template so that you don't lose what you have already
Author/Publisher Information:
GridForm is written and copyrighted (1991) by Martin Waldman.
The GridForm package is published by
Software Co-op (317-856-6052)
5437 Honey Manor Dr,
Indianapolis, IN 46241 CIS: 76635,1670 - Bob Ostrander
GridForm is supported on Compuserve in the ASP Forum Product Support
section. (GO ASPFORUM - Section 1). The publisher is available there
to answer any questions you have. The latest version is always
available in IBMHW forum Printer section (GO IBMHW - Library 2).
Support is also given by BBS on the PBS-BBS (317-856-2087 1200-38400
baud) in the Author Support conference (Join Conference 1)
Distribution Restrictions and Permissions:
All people are permitted and encouraged to give copies of GridForm to
friends and co-workers as long as no fee is charged.
Disk vendors in North America who are Approved Vendors of the
Association of Shareware Professionals may include GridForm in their
libraries and distribute evaluation copies for their normal disk
fees. Disk vendors who are not members of the ASP must obtain
permission from the publisher (above) before distributing GridForm.
Bulletin Boards and Electronic Communications Services may post
GridForm for downloading by their customers.
Non-profit user groups may include GridForm in their libraries and
distribute evaluation copies for their normal disk fees.
All others including anyone interested in bundling GridForm with
printers or other hardware or software sales must obtain the
permission and license of the publisher (above) before distributing
Anyone distributing GridForm must include all files present and may
not alter any of the files in any way.
We would appreciate copies of anything you print regarding GridForm.
Please send us a copy of any reviews, articles, catalog descriptions,
or other information you print or distribute. Thank you for your time
and assistance and for supporting the shareware marketing concept.
Usage Restrictions:
This evaluation copy of GridForm has not yet been paid for. Users are
granted a license to use it for evaluation purposes for a period of
30 days. If the software continues to be used it must be paid for.
Details of payment and registration can be found below.
Please be aware that old copies of GridForm may be kept on bulletin
board services and disk vendor libraries for years. If the date of
last update at the top of this file is more than 12 months old please
contact the publisher (above) to ensure that you have the most
current version.
U.S. Government Information: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the
U.S. Government of the computer software and documentation in this
package shall be subject to the restricted rights applicable to
commercial computer software as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii)
of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at
252.227-7013 (DFARS 52.227-7013). The Contractor/manufacturer is
Software Co-op, 5437 Honey Manor Dr., Indianapolis, IN 46241
Disclaimer of Warranty:
The Shareware evaluation (trial use) version is provided AS IS. The
The publisher warrants the physical diskette(s) and physical
documentation provided with registered versions (only) to be free of
defects in materials and workmanship for a period of sixty days from
the date of registration. If the publisher receives notification
within the warranty period of defects in materials or workmanship,
and such notification is determined by the publisher to be correct,
the defective diskette(s) or documentation will be replaced.
The entire and exclusive liability and remedy for breach of this
Limited Warranty shall be limited to replacement of defective
diskette(s) or documentation and shall not include or extend to any
claim for or right to recover any other damages, including but not
limited to, loss of profit, data, or use of the software, or special,
incidental, or consequential damages or other similar claims, even if
the publishers have been specifically advised of the possibility of
such damages. In no event will the publishers' liability for any
damages to you or any other person ever exceed the lower of suggested
list price or actual price paid for the license to use the software,
regardless of any form of the claim.
Association of Shareware Professionals:
_______ This program is produced by a
____|__ | (tm) member of the Association of
--| | |------------------- Shareware Professionals (ASP).
| ____|__ | Association of The ASP wants to make sure that
| | |_| Shareware the shareware priciple works for
|__| o | Professionals you. If you are unable to resolve
-----| | |--------------------- a shareware-related problem with
|___|___| MEMBER an ASP member by contacting the
member directly, the ASP may be
able to help. The ASP Ombudsman
can help you resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but does
not provide technical support for members' products. Please write to the
ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI 49442-9427 or send a
Compuserve message via CompuServe Mail to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536"
Registration Information:
Registration of GridForm gets you:
- The legal right to use GridForm past the evaluation period.
- Notices of updates and reduced-price upgrades.
- Free voice-line technical support.
- Online support via Compuserve and BBS.
You can register GridForm package by sending $15 + $5 postage to
Software Co-op using the invoice below. Software Co-op also accepts
credit card payments on 800-225-5613 and 317-856-6052.
You might also be able to find GridForm at your local software
dealer. If they do not have it have them call either of the
publishers for information. Thank you.
Site licenses are available for GridForm. A site license entitles you
to use this software on all of the computers in a building, campus,
or plant. You will receive 2 master disks and 2 manuals to make
copies from as you wish. Additional master disks and manuals are
available as needed. Telephone support and update notices for site
licensees of GridForm must be directed through one person at the
licensee's location.
Additionally, VAR licenses are available for computer retailers and
consultants. This entitles the seller to bundle GridForm with
computers, printers, or other hardware or software sold at retail.
The buyer of the computers will become registered users of GridForm
at no additional fee upon returning a postcard-style registration
GridForm Version 1.0 15
Single User Invoice
Remit to: From:
Software Co-op ____________________________________
5437 Honey Manor Dr
Indianapolis IN 46241 ____________________________________
or VISA/MC call: ____________________________________
800-225-5613 317-856-6052 ____________________________________
(Check all that apply)
[] Send me 1 copy of the fully registered GridForm package at 15.00
Shipping and Handling for the above 5.00
[] Send me ___ copies of the current GridForm distribution
diskette at $5 each (shipping included) ________.00
Invoice Total: $________.00
16 GridForm Version 1.0
Site License / LAN Invoice
Remit to: From (street address):
Software Co-op ____________________________________
5437 Honey Manor Dr
Indianapolis IN 46241 ____________________________________
or VISA/MC call: ____________________________________
800-225-5613 - 317-856-6052 ____________________________________
Contact individual _____________________
Phone number ___________________________
Send _____ site license / LAN packages for 5 to 10 users at $30.
Send _____ site license / LAN packages for 11 to 20 users at $50.
Send _____ site license / LAN packages for 21 to 50 users at $90.
Send _____ site license / LAN packages for 51 or more users: $120.
(call regarding larger packages)
Send _____ additional master disks at $5.
Total: __________
Checks, Money Orders, VISA, MasterCard are accepted. Written Purchase
Orders are accepted for quantity purchases and site licenses from most
companies, schools, and governmental units. Terms NET 30.
VISA/MC # _________ _________ _________ _________ Exp Date:___ /____
Signature ________________________________ Phone ______________________
To Purchasing, Accounts Payable:
Note that GridForm has been delivered and accepted by the customer. Upon
receipt of this paid invoice, printed manual(s) and current disk(s) will
be sent.
Our federal employer ID number is 35-1689317.